The Benefits of Wearing Progressive Glasses


Progressive glasses are a significant breakthrough in the medical industry. It solves issues with nearsightedness and farsightedness. When people develop nearsighted and farsighted issues, it becomes difficult to adjust their vision through regular glasses. That is where the niche benefits of progressive glasses come into effect. Many people know only one benefit of the glasses, i.e., it does not have any distinct demarcation. But, you must know various other benefits you can get from progressive glasses. The article discusses those benefits to help you choose the best eyeglasses to protect your precious eyes from any possible harm. 

What is Progressive Lens?

Progressive lenses are multifocal lenses specially designed for people who need corrected lenses. Many prefer the lens as it does not have any annoying dividing mark, which is found in bifocal lenses. 

The lens has three distinct parts. These are the upper area, middle area, and lower area. The upper area is effective for seeing distant objects. The middle area is useful for seeing objects at a normal distance. The lower area is effective for seeing objects at a close distance, such as for reading books, stitching, etc.

People with poor vision find it difficult to focus on nearsighted objects when they reach the age of 35 years. It is called presbyopia. The problem requires medical intervention. Using progressive lenses in those cases helps to resolve the issue considerably. Some people need progressive digital lenses as they grow older. The doctors prescribe progressive lenses when patients develop both nearsightedness and farsightedness. Today this problem persists among young children, also. 

Different Types of Progressive Lenses Offer Different Benefits

The progressive lenses are available with different features. You must choose the best one which perfectly suits your needs. The discussion below identifies six types of progressive lenses which offer different benefits. These lenses vary per usability and price. 

Computer Progressive Lenses

These lenses are effective for indoor use. Salisbury optometrists suggest using the lens when users work more than four hours on a computer. It protects the eye from the radiation emitted from computer screens and visual fatigue. If you use these glasses, you must carry two separate glasses- one for normal use and the other for computer work. It will not replace your regular glasses.

Premium Progressive Lenses

The cost of premium progressive lenses is high. The reasons are many. Salisbury optometrists would customize the lens to meet your requirements as per prescription, chosen frame, and eye anatomy. The lenses are made using different prescriptions. It offers a wider and smoother view.

Ground-View Progressive Lenses

The ground view progressive lenses are best used outdoors. These lenses minimize the distortion at the sides and bottom. It offers improved vision to users. They can use the lens while driving cars, reading books, and using computers. 

Standard Progressive Lenses

The standard progressive lenses are less costly and effective compared to other progressive lenses. It fits best in a larger frame. These lenses typically have longer drops between prescriptions. The lenses provide a wide reading area. 

Short Corridor Progressive Lenses

The short corridor progressive lenses are designed to fit small frames. Due to the necessary adjustments for small frames, the vision can be distorted. Salisbury optometrists suggest using these lenses for a modern and stylish look. 

Transition Progressive Lenses

Transition progressive lenses are the best alternative for sunglasses. Its lenses change the shades when exposed to ultraviolet rays. This lens is a brand of photochromatic lens. Salisbury Optometrists suggest wearing this lens to soothe your eyes under scorching heat and enhance your style quotient. 

Other Benefits of Progressive Lens

To be more decisive in choosing the best pair of progressive lenses, you must know all the benefits you can experience. The section below lists some benefits to help you make more informed decisions.

You Only Need to Wear One Pair of Eyeglasses

The single pair of progressive eyeglasses meet all the needs to get clear vision. You do not need to carry separate glasses for reading and doing other work. The progressive glasses are effective enough to solve issues related to nearsighted and farsighted visions. 

No Distracting Bi-Focal Line

Unlike bifocal glasses, progressive glasses do not have any distinct bi-focal line. It soothes the eyes and offers a clear vision. You can use it regularly without feeling any discomfort. It will help to keep the rising eye power under control and maintain good health of the eyes. 

Modern and Youthful Lens

As people grow old, they lose normal focus and develop eye problems. The progressive lenses can be bifocal or multifocal. As long as it has no marking line, you will not feel uncomfortable wearing the lens. You can easily use the glasses outdoors and indoors. 

These are the key aspects for which Salisbury optometrists would suggest choosing progressive lenses over bifocal lenses. You can choose from varieties of progressive lenses available. The prices of the lenses vary accordingly. The best part is that wearing progressive lenses will enhance your style quotient while offering a soothing experience. Once you become used to wearing the lenses, you will overcome any minor initial uneasiness over time to get clear vision. 


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